反对: oppose; be opposed to; objec ...抗议: protest; object; remonstrate反抗: revolt; resist; react竭力反对, 反抗, 抗议: kick against at反对, 反抗: make a stand against反对,反抗: oppose反对, 抗议: kick against反对,抗议: protest抗议,反对: protest n. (statement of) disapproval or objection反对,反抗,对立: o osition; opposition反对,抗议,异议: objection反对;抗议,抱反感: object to反对;抗议;不支持: object to反对抗议者: antiremonstrant反对或反抗某事物: kick against sth protest about or resist sth公然反对, 大胆抗议: speak out against作出反抗或反对反应: react against可反对的,可抗议的,要不得的: exceptionable反抗: revolt; resist; react 反抗精神 spirit of revolt; rebellious spirit; 反抗清王朝 revolt against the qing dynasty; 哪里有压迫, 哪里就有反抗。 where there is oppression, there is resistance抗议: protest; object; remonstrate 正式抗议 formal (official) protest; 提出抗议 present a protest; lodge a protest with sb. against sth.; address a protest to; 抗议集会 protest rally; 抗议照会 note of protest; 抗议书 written protest; 这引起了一些抗议和愤慨。 it caused some protest and indignation. 他们对低劣的伙食提出了抗议。 they protest about the bad food反对: oppose; be opposed to; object to; be against; fight; combat 反对命令主义 struggle against commandism; 反对不正之风 combat unhealthy trends; 反对官僚主义 combat bureaucracy; 反对铺张浪费 combat extravagance and waste; 反对贪污浪费 fight against corruption and waste; 反对偷工减料 struggle against cheating on government contracts; 反对偷税漏税 struggle against tax evasion; 反对违法乱纪 struggle against violations of the law and discipline; 反对行贿 struggle against capitalist bribery of government workers; 反对资产阶级自由化 oppose bourgeois liberalization; 持反对意见 hold opposite opinions; 遭到反对 meet opposition; 有反对意见吗? any objection? 要提倡唯物辩证法, 反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。 promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism.; 反对党 opposition; opposition party; 反对派 opposition faction; 反对票 dissenting vote; negative vote; 反对证书 counterdeed背叛,反抗: turn against抵抗,反抗: resistance n. opposition, standing against反抗,抵抗: resist反抗,对抗: antagonize